Two Faces and how I hate them.

Don’t you just hate it when you think someone is your friend and then you suddenly find out that the entire time you know them they’ve been talking behind your back? Or how about when people just flat out talk behind your back about a particular issue or problem they have with you? Yeah, me too. Now I know I may be a bit of a jerk at times but sometimes it seems to me that some of our guildies have stuff to say to me but neglect to do so to my face so they either hold it in until a huge fight occurs or they just talk behind my back. The funny thing is that either way I end up finding out. Whether or not someone thinks I’m a good player in WoW I really could care less however if I remain in a position of high importance like the Main Tank I’d damn sure like to know if I’m even deserving of this duty. Instead people’s “opinions” on the matter are just held in and then blurted out when they feel like fighting with me.

Now comes the insecure part of me. Do I need to work on my tanking? Am not as good at my role in the guild as I think I am (which is far from perfect)? Eh, I dunno, I guess constructive criticism would be a better thing to get from someone rather than flat out telling me that another Warrior with much worse gear than myself and literally zero MC tanking experience can tank better than me bothers me alot. Yeah, it does bother me, especially when it comes from someone who I considered a good player and a friend…

…eh, whatever.

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